HomeUSAPennsylvaniaCentral PARock RunRidge AreaCliff LineUnknown Cliff-2V3Edit modeUnknown Cliff-1V3-4boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStand start with hands on the vagina looking feature, move up through nice crimps then make one pretty freakin big move to the lip/horizontal. Make one move to the lip of the small roof then mantle it out.The dyno and top out are exciting for sure!LocationAlong the wall across from Unknown Boulder A and specifically problem Unknown A-2, far right when facing the wall. This problem is roughly 30 ft from Unknown Boulder A.ProtectionPad(s). I don't think one pad would do much if you didn't stick the dyno or above.Routes in Cliff Line1Unknown Cliff-1V3-4Bouldering 2Unknown Cliff-2V3Bouldering3Unknown Cliff-3V3Bouldering4Unknown Cliff-4V3-4Bouldering