HomeUSACaliforniaSan Francisco Bay AreaWine CountryNut Tree Boulders, TheHillcrest BouldersHidden BoulderThe RiftV3Natural DisasterV3Edit modeThe Rift DynoV5boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart as for The Rift, traverse right and match on the right-hand start hold, adjust feet, then dyno directly for the incut jug rail about 4-5 feet up above the mini roof/bulge, contain your swing, and finish on crimps as you normally would. A fun, if contrived, eliminate variation on the original problem.ProtectionPadsRoutes in Hidden Boulder1The RiftV3Bouldering2The Rift DynoV5Bouldering 3Natural DisasterV3Bouldering4Brass MonkeyV2Bouldering5Straight ShooterV1Bouldering6Gimme My Forty SuckaV0Bouldering7The 40 oz TraverseV6Bouldering